During the financial planning process, we will review your existing portfolios and discuss any adjustments or changes we would recommend. If you have positions that would generate taxes upon sale, we manage them on a case-by-case basis. We discuss strategies for minimizing the risk of a concentrated securities portfolio and for diversifying the concentrated positions over time. Please see our Customized Portfolio Strategies for more detail.
How will you work with my children and other family members?
We manage financial plans and assets for many client families across multiple generations, including clients' parents as well as their children. How we work with your family members depends on their individual needs. For example, we manage trust accounts for dependent children or children who have inherited assets. We also work with “emerging adults” to prepare them for financial independence.
How often do you communicate with clients?
Communicating regularly and clearly with clients is a great priority of ours. We typically start with the financial planning process. The financial plan results in a comprehensive list of action items for us and the client. These early stages of our relationship with clients are intensive, with several in-person meetings and phone call/email follow-up along the way and afterward. While it’s our goal and desire to be highly communicative and transparent, we also understand that our clients are busy and are partly working with Parkside in order to save themselves time. So we strive to be highly efficient in ourRead More